Front Desk


We help organizations who do good while doing well by harnessing latest and greatest technologies to:
  • Integrate Resources
  • Increase Revenue
  • Enhance Ability

Serving community with One Office suite:

Moving Up All Together, Better - Empowering Membership.

Our Front Desk will empover your staff with key outcomes in membership, program participation and giving.

Your front-line staff makes that first impression. And your front desk is a hub of activity. Whether coming or going, customers appreciate buying and booking on the fly. Water, gift cards and training sessions become perfect convenience items - and valuable revenue streams. You need to enable your staff to have information about your customers readily available in quick glance when they are ready to purchase or give. You ask your marketing department run effective marketing campaigns based on your existing customers demographics, buying habits, and appropriate media channels.

How we help you do more

OneOffice Front Desk is a touch-screen front desk station which will facilitate customer account management, registration, sales, and customer statistics collection in very simple and user-friendly manner.

It will be connected to your ERP/CRM, thus the task of customer and sales data analysis, and creation of marketing campaigns and executive decisions based on this analysis becomes very easy and fun.

We combine relationship management software and marketing automation for a systematic approach to increasing member engagement and community outreach. With the ability to set up target groups to receive an automated flow of communication via email, phone calls, text messages, and face-to-face meetings - your staff can reach the right people with the right message at the right time.

OneOffice Team

Moving Up All Together, Better - Engaging Members.

OneOffice Portal allows prospects and members to engage your offerings anytime from any computer.

You need to enable your members to order your services, to manage their bookings and keep their personal information up to date. You want your staff to react promptly for member's requests and preference changes. You ask your development department to convert your members to donors by using your members demographics, buying habits, and appropriate media channels.

How we help you engaging

OneOffice portal will provide your members with self-serving online portal, which will facilitate member's account management, registration, sales, and registered member statistics collection in very simple and user-friendly manner.

Integrated with enterprise level CRM/ERP system OneOffice Portal becomes essential sales tool for services and goods offered to community as well highly effective user data collection tool. Collected data will be analyzed in customized enterprise resource platform and presented as series of Reports and Key Performance Indicators to Marketing, Development and Executive members of your organization.

OneOffice Team

Moving Up All Together, Better - Enabling Mobility.

OneOffice Mobile is user friendly way to enable on the go Members to be connected anytime on any mobile device.

We will provide you with state of the art mobile app, adoptable to the theme of your other applications. OneOffice Mobile will facilitate member account management, registration, bookings, and customer statistics collection in very simple and user-friendly manner.

OneOffice Team

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